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Author name: Sibby Ilzhofer

TAE and the effects in VET
RTO Compliance

Industry Standards – TAE and the effects in VET

TAE and the effects in VET There is nothing like a last-minute TAE upgrade due to looming deadlines of the teach-out period to reveal the true standard of the current trainers and assessors in industry. Current upgrade enrolments are likely from the TAE40110 era or before. Units needed to upgrade to the superseded TAE40116 are […]

RTO performance assessment
Performance Assessment, RTO Compliance

Are RTOs Compliance Driven?

Are RTOs only compliance driven to pass a regulatory performance assessment? More and more we are finding RTOs having a reactionary approach to compliance, once they have been notified of an upcoming performance assessment by the regulator ASQA, rather than a systematic and preventative approach which is ongoing. Calls are received by AIS at the

How AI is impacting RTO arena

How AI is impacting the RTO Arena

AI – useful tool or nightmare? AI has long been part of our lives, but no more so than over the last 14 months. There are of course many conveniences associated with AI technology, especially self-learning. I love, when I am busy, getting Siri (now identifies as a male) to do the run around for

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